INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET Application notes I2C Specific information 1997 Apr 03 File under Integrated Circuits, IC12 Philips Semiconductors I2C Specific information Application notes details of the software interface for the communications routes. APPLICATION NOTES The following abstracts are of the application notes that can be found printed in-full in Philips Semiconductor's Data Handbook IC20 80C51-based 8-bit microcontrollers, ordering code 9397 750 00963. AN433 - I2C slave routines for the 83C751 The 8XC751 microcontroller can be programmed as an I2C-bus master, slave, or both. This article focuses on its use as a slave and gives a programming example demonstrating the communications routes of the 8XC751 as a slave on the I2C-bus. This example complements the program given in article AN422. AN422 - Using the 8XC751 microcontroller as an I2C-bus master The 83C751/87C751 combines the benefits of a high-performance microcontroller with on-board hardware supporting the I2C-bus interface, and thus allows systems to be completely software defined. This article shows how best to connect the microcontroller to an I2C-bus configuration, describes the 8XC751 I2C hardware and gives a programming example demonstrating a bus-master code. AN434 - Connecting a PC keyboard to the I2C-bus This application note illustrates the use of the 8XC751 microcontroller to interface a standard PC/AT keyboard to the I2C bus. The application software example easily fits within the 2K-bytes code and 64-bytes data memory provided on the 8XC751. AN425 - Interfacing the PCF8584 I2C-bus controller to 80C51 family microcontrollers AN438 - I2C routines for 8XC528 This article presents a set of software routines to drive the I2C interface in 8XC528-type microcontrollers. A description of the I2C interface is given along with examples of how to use these routines in PL/M-51, C and assembly source code. This application note describes how to use the PCF8584 I2C-bus controller with the 80C51 family of microcontrollers. A typical way of connecting the PCF8584 to an 80C31 is given, and some basic software routines are described showing how to transmit and receive bytes in a single master system. There is also an example of how to use these routines in an application that uses the I2C circuits on an I2C demonstration board. AN444 - Using the P82B715 I2C extender on long cables The P82B715 I2C buffer was designed to extend the range of the logical I2C-bus out to 50 m. This application note describes the results of testing the buffer on several different types of cables to determine the maximum operating distance possible. The results are summarized in a table for easy reference. AN95068 - C routines for the PCF8584 This application note demonstrates how to write a driver in C for the Philips PCF8584 I2C-bus controller IC and includes a set of application interface routines to quickly implement a complete PC multimaster system application. The driver supports polled or interrupt driver message handling, slave message transfers and multimaster system applications. Furthermore, it is suitable for use in conjunction with real-time operating systems like OS-9 or pSOS+. ETV/AN89004 - PLM51 I2C software interface IIC51 (version 0.5) This document is a user manual for the I2C software module IIC51, and is intended for Intel PLM51 users who need to control an I2C-bus. There is a general description on the IIC51 software module, although some basic knowledge about I2C and Intel PLM51 is assumed. AN430 - Using the 8XC751/752 in multimaster I2C applications This article discusses the most important technical features of the I2C-bus and describes the special I2C hardware interface of the 8XC751/752. The author gives an example of how the microcontroller can be programmed for a multimaster environment along with 1997 Apr 03 EIE/AN91007 - I2C driver routines for 8XC751/1 microcontrollers This report described the I2C drivers that are written for the 8XC751/2 and explains the structure of the software and 2 Philips Semiconductors I2C Specific information Application notes how to use the routines. The software is written around a set of basic routines and a message handler. The message handles contain no specific 8XC751 code so, by rewriting a set of basic routines, the software example can easily be modified for any other bit level I2C interface. Programming the I2C interface This article is taken from Dr. Dobb's Journal and gives a good overview of I2C-bus basics. It describes hardware requirements, building a framework and how to connect to the I2C-bus. The following application note is printed separately. The full version can be ordered from Philips Semiconductors. AN94078 - P90CL301 I2C driver routines This application note demonstrates how to write an I2C-bus driver for the Philips P90CL301 microcontroller and includes a set of application interface software routines to quickly implement a complete I2C multimaster system application. The driver allows you to link modules to your application software and includes a head-file into the application source programs. A programming example on how to use the driver is also listed in the article. The driver supports polled or interrupt driven message handling, slave message transfer and multimaster system applications. Furthermore, it is suitable for use in conjunction with real-time operating systems such as pSOS+. The I2C-bus from theory to practice This 300-page book covers the I2C-bus history, protocol, applications and development tools, and is intended both for engineering students and professional electronics engineers. The book, and its accompanying software disk, may be ordered directly from the publisher, John Wiley & Son Ltd UK, telephone number +44 (0) 1243 770216, ISDN: 0471962686. 1997 Apr 03 3